Thursday, 27 February 2014

The Characteristics of Bit coins

In my past posts, I have discussed some brief concepts of bit coins. However if we are going to explore some further details, the characteristics of bit coins should be paid more attention to.I would like to take four parts into account:

Fundamentally, there is no central bank so that  bit coins are decentralized as a distributed currency, for instance, the whole activities are populated with transactions from customers(or I can call them users). The decentralization of bit coins provides a comparative safety and freedom environment.

2.Circulating around the world
In reality, customers are able to manage bit coins in any computer if the network connection is normal. Hence,any user can mine(why I say 'mine' here? If you are interested in this topic, please see paper here), buy and sell bit coins wherever they live. The main point is to find a expedient way to his or her supervision of the bit coins production.

3.The exclusive right
For manipulating bit coins, as users, the only way they can do is to use your private 'key' which means anyone else could not take the bit coins unless users offer them the vital 'key'. In a sense, it can not be wrong: the exclusivity undoubtedly guarantees that right.

4.Low transaction cost
Some traditional transactions measures, to some extent, is much expensive than that of bit coins.This is illustrated in table below, which exhibits statistics about the cost per execution (in €) in the main European stock exchanges and the cost per execution (in BTC) in main bit coins market.  
cost per execution
transfer the unit into $
Total cost in €
total  cost in BTC
0.0000001% BTC
(Source from: Network collections, calculating by myself )

From this table, it is clear to find that the cost per execution in BTC is much lower than that in Euro. Moreover, in bit coins' market, traders can transact with each other in a convenient way that they just need find the IP on the internet. Implicitly, individuals trade in bit coins' market is cheap and 'affordable'.

As far as I am concerned, the four main characteristics of bit coins seem lead its trading to a bright future. 

Wallace B. The rise and fall of Bitcoin[J]. Wired Magazine.[Online]. Available, 2011
Kristin Samuelson. The Ins and Outs of Bitcoin  Nov 13th,2011 Chicago Tribune Business column(link here

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